Class 07 : Lab: Serial Input to P5.js using WebSerial

What I learn

This lab demonstrates how to establish serial communication between an Arduino microcontroller and a p5.js sketch using the p5.webserial library. Using basic knowledge of microcontrollers, asynchronous serial communication, and P5.js.

Summary of the steps:

  1. Hardware Setup:

    • Connect a potentiometer to an analog input pin on the microcontroller.

  2. Microcontroller Code:

    • Program the Arduino to read the analog input, map the value, and send it via serial communication.

  3. P5.js Setup:

    • Include the p5.webserial library in your HTML file.

    • Initialize the p5.webserial library in your JavaScript code.

  4. Serial Events:

    • Set up event listeners for different serial events (e.g., port availability, data reception).

  5. Handling Incoming Data:

    • Define a function to process incoming serial data, converting it to a usable format.

  6. Graphing the Data:

    • Use the received data to draw a graph in the p5.js sketch.

  7. Reading Data as a String (Optional):

    • Modify the Arduino code to send data as an ASCII-encoded string.

    • Adjust the p5.js code to interpret and process the received string.

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Class 09