Midterm project

Midterm Project : Design and Prototype

Help Bubble escape a haunted dollhouse

The game involves a 3D figure of Bubble that interacts with the dollhouse using a magnet sensor. The experience includes audio cues, screen prompts, and dynamic lighting effects to create a spooky atmosphere. Note: The game's mechanics rely heavily on user interaction and decision-making, with the goal of finding keys and managing battery life to ultimately determine the character's fate.

  • This is an interactive game set in a haunted dollhouse featuring characters from the Powerpuff Girls series. The game involves five steps:

    Step 1:

    • Approach the haunted dollhouse.

    • Activate the journey by placing a bubble figure on a magnet sensor plate.

    • Encounter various audio, visual, and lighting effects, including scary themes, instructions, and changing lights.

    Step 2:

    • Play a game on the 3rd floor to find a key.

    • Choose between two rooms with different outcomes: one has a key, the other has a vampire that reduces your battery life.

    • Interact with Bubble to make progress by placing her on the board.

    Step 3:

    • Move to the 2nd floor with Bubble.

    • Play a similar game to find a key, again choosing between rooms.

    Step 4:

    • Return to the 1st floor with Bubble and repeat the game to find a key.

    Step 5:

    • Based on the remaining battery life, decide whether Bubble can escape or has to stay in the dollhouse.

Testing Hall effect ( magnet sensor )

Hall Effect ( Magnet sensor)

const int magneticSensorPins[] = {11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19};
const int ledPins[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

bool led2On = false;
bool led5On = false;
bool led8On = false;

bool allGroup1On() {
  return digitalRead(ledPins[0]) && digitalRead(ledPins[1]) && digitalRead(ledPins[2]);

bool allGroup2On() {
  return digitalRead(ledPins[3]) && digitalRead(ledPins[4]) && digitalRead(ledPins[5]);

void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    pinMode(magneticSensorPins[i], INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(ledPins[i], OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(ledPins[i], LOW);


void loop() {
  // Print sensor readings
  for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    Serial.print("Sensor ");
    Serial.print(i + 1);
    Serial.print(": ");
    Serial.print(digitalRead(magneticSensorPins[i]) == LOW ? "Triggered" : "Not triggered");
    Serial.print(" | ");

  if (digitalRead(magneticSensorPins[1]) == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(ledPins[1], HIGH);
    led2On = true;
    delay(100);  // debounce

  if (led2On) {
    if (digitalRead(magneticSensorPins[0]) == LOW) {
      digitalWrite(ledPins[0], HIGH);

    if (digitalRead(magneticSensorPins[2]) == LOW) {
      digitalWrite(ledPins[2], HIGH);
      digitalWrite(ledPins[0], HIGH);  // Turn on LED 1 when LED 3 is on

  if (allGroup1On() && digitalRead(magneticSensorPins[4]) == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(ledPins[4], HIGH);
    led5On = true;

  if (led5On) {
    if (digitalRead(magneticSensorPins[3]) == LOW) {
      digitalWrite(ledPins[3], HIGH);
      digitalWrite(ledPins[5], HIGH);  // Turn on LED 6 when LED 4 is on

    if (digitalRead(magneticSensorPins[5]) == LOW) {
      digitalWrite(ledPins[5], HIGH);

  if (allGroup2On() && digitalRead(magneticSensorPins[7]) == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(ledPins[7], HIGH);
    led8On = true;

  if (led8On) {
    if (digitalRead(magneticSensorPins[6]) == LOW) {
      digitalWrite(ledPins[6], HIGH);

    if (digitalRead(magneticSensorPins[8]) == LOW) {
      digitalWrite(ledPins[8], HIGH);
      digitalWrite(ledPins[6], HIGH);  // Turn on LED 7 when LED 9 is on

Connected the light, audio, and servo, and soldered the sensors

Control board and Dollhouse design

3D figure of Bubble with magnet at the base

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Class 05


Midterm project - Final