Water bubbles
I aimed to visually represent water bubbles as they might appear when submerged in water. createVector(random(width), random(height))
generates a new vector with random x and y coordinates within the canvas bounds. This vector represents the particle's position on the canvas.
Full Screen https://editor.p5js.org/pk2785/full/rVXH282mR
Water flow 2
I try to create a three-dimensional particle system created using the p5.js library, where each particle's position is defined using createVector()
within a WEBGL canvas. The system simulates a space filled with floating particles that leave a trail as they move. Also, I moved the background(0) to be in the function setup.
Full Screen https://editor.p5js.org/pk2785/full/iN2PpDaXV
The concept is to develop an interactive drawing tool within p5.js that simulates a brush with a hexagonal shape. This brush dynamically changes its form in real-time. The vertices of the hexagon shift slightly with each frame.I Initialized the center
variable as a vector representing the starting point of the hexagon. Also, I try to draw the Shape with beginShape() and endShape() encapsulate the drawing of the hexagon.