State my inquiry space (idea, inspiration, problem to solve, etc)

Share research findings and insights

What tools have I investigated?

3D Interactive website

Narrative Storytelling website

Exhibition and installation

Augmented reality : Remembering from Disney


How do I define "Reconnect with nature" and "Raise awareness"? My goal is to help people reconnect with nature and raise awareness of environmental issues. If we simply tell people that our environment is in a critical state and global warming is happening now, they might listen but not take any action. My project will involve interactions that allow them to see the impact for themselves, giving them the opportunity to make their own choices and experience the consequences firsthand.

What’s the problem? and who is the target users?

What's the real problem? Environmental issues or people's problems? The project will integrate interactions that result in different impacts that let people understand the result of their actions: Impact One, Impact Two, and Impact Three. It's a form of learning by doing and experiencing the consequences firsthand.

  1. The experience could involve visual storytelling, interaction, and immersion.

  2. It could be an interactive platform that provides data, facts, and the impacts, then simulates the before-and-after of a particular place.


Research is not just reading papers, reporting, or searching the internet; it's also about reaching out to people, talking to them, asking questions, and getting inspired.


Class 2 Research Findings + Refined Inquiry Space


Class 4 Hand-on research